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St Paul’s Catholic Primary School

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Our Governing Body

The Federation of St Paul and St Martin of Porres Catholic Primary Schools 


The Governing Body of the Federation St Paul and St Martin of Porres Catholic Primary Schools is made up of individuals representing the Parish, the Local Authority and the two schools of St Paul's Catholic Primary School and St Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School.  The Governors are responsible for ensuring the Federation's commitment to our Catholic ethos in nurturing our children in a safe, warm and caring environments within which all children can learn and develop.

Our Governors work closely with the Executive Headteacher of the Federation and the Senior Leadership Teams of St Paul's and St Martin of Porres in the development of both schools. They monitor every aspect of school life and make sure that both schools offer the very best experience and opportunity for each child. Governors are responsible for monitoring the progress of children, the curriculum, the buildings and the budget. They ensure the schools are a safe and healthy environment for all children and are responsible for the implementation of the safeguarding and child protection policies.

The Governors meet every half term as well as in Committees for Finance, Curriculum and Standards and Admissions.


The Governing Body of the Federation of St Paul and St Martin of Porres Catholic Primary Schools is made up of:

Eight Foundation Governors        Appointed by the Diocese

Two Parent Governors                  Elected by the Parents

One Headteacher Governor         Automatic Appointment

Two Staff Governors                     Elected by the Staff

One Local Authority Governor     Appointed by the Local Authority

One Co-Opted Governor              Appointed by the Governing Body

The Governing Body has a Clerk who takes the minutes of all Full Governing Body meetings.