School Lunch
Click here to see this menu from the 5th September until the 29th March 2023.
Children may have a cooked lunch, or they may bring a packed lunch from home.
School Meals
We recommend that at least one week’s notice is given to the School office if your child wishes to change from a School lunch to a packed lunch or vice versa. This is to minimise inconvenience to kitchen staff who must order food supplies on a monthly basis.
Packed Lunches
Children having a packed lunch should bring it in a box with their name clearly marked. (A carrier bag is unsuitable for your child's lunch). As we are promoting healthy eating, we do not like the children to bring sweets or chocolate as part of their packed lunch. When preparing your child's packed lunch, please bear in mind the following:
It is not possible for the lunch boxes to be refrigerated in School and this may affect what you pack for your child.
- We are a 'Nut Free School'. There are several children within the School who have a “severe nut intolerance”, and therefore all nuts and nut-related products are not allowed in the school.
All packed lunch boxes are collected at registration in the morning and they are stored on trolleys in the dining area. The children do not have access to their lunch boxes until lunch-time.
The School provides drinking water for the children to drink with either their School or packed lunch. Please do not send in other drinks.
At lunch-time, the children are supervised in the playground by the School Meals Supervisory Assistants (SMSA) and the School has six of these assistants.