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St Paul’s Catholic Primary School

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At St Paul’s Primary School, it is our aim to provide every child with an extraordinary seven years, a kaleidoscope of experiences and adventures.

 We are defined by the highest quality education and an all-encompassing pupil experience, which nurtures individual talents, fosters life-long skills and inspires every pupil to flourish and reach their potential. Every child is celebrated for their uniqueness, with us they are challenged to develop and broaden horizons and nurtured and cherished as individuals.

We maintain an uncompromising commitment to the personal and academic excellence of every child in our care and our strong Catholic values and ethos helps us to achieve this every day. Whilst these form our guiding principles, we warmly welcome families of all faiths and none.

High expectations prevail at St Paul’s, with impressive standards of achievement and remarkable progress placing us as one of the top performing schools in the area, with our network of specialist teachers and dedicated staff providing a personalised learning experience to all. This is further complemented by a range of exceptional enrichment opportunities, extending learning beyond the classroom.

We believe in working in partnership with our families, and strong home/school relationships are key to pupils’ wellbeing, development and achievement and we actively encourage parent involvement and support in their child’s education and the life of the school. This is enhanced by our Federation with St Paul’s Catholic Primary School and partnership with the Cardinal Hume Academies Trust, providing a wider range of benefits to our pupils.

I am incredibly proud to be Executive Headteacher at St Paul’s and warmly invite you to visit our incredible school as your children become part of the next generation of powerful, independent and confident leaders of the future.

Anne Thomas, Executive Headteacher